Sunday, August 12, 2007

Kick-off to Father K.

On Friday evening we gathered, perhaps for the last time, with Father K. in his backyard. We arrived late, all of us. Even Father K. was en retard, seeing as we'd not really planned well and weren't aware that he had a wedding rehearsal. Fortunately, Father Keith is also fairly wonderful and allowed us to stay in the backyard and to use nearly every cooking utensil in the house [hyperbole].

Chloe, Mike and Tricia had a wonderful conversation with Father Keith, the new chaplain at STU, and it seems like he's got some really innovative ideas about sustainability. He will, hopefully, pass along some great information about preserving our veggies! We're in much need of help in that department. After a chat with Keith, Meredith arrived and we started to pick the veggies.

Since we didn't know much about spinach, we let it go to seed and so couldn't use it. We've put the stocks in the shed, though, to see if we can get some seeds off of it. We also picked some carrots that were a fair size and some peas, beans, cukes and added in the lettuce, cheese and cherries brought by people in the group. We also added some lovely tomatoes when Sarah arrived and proved her love for them by eating one like an apple.

Father K. arrived home just in time, accompanied by Father Dan. The kick-off to Father K., therefore, didn't happen without Father K.! Keith took a group picture and then we all enjoyed the salad together, on the lawn. Assorted group members also threw some meat and meatless treats on the BBQ and it was a heck of a good time!

I'm leaving for Texas tomorrow, guys, and so I wish you all the best of luck with keeping it real in the garden. Don't forget to hoe!


P.S- The email for Erin, the lady who loves our veggies in her cafe,is If you'd like to give more, just email her or stop by the Charlotte St. Arts Centre.

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