Sunday, December 12, 2010

Craft fair a success!

Thanks to our wonderful vendors, bake sale, and mug sale we were able to raise 100$ for each MCAF and the Woodlot! Thank you so much to everyone who came to shop, help, or sell their crafts. There was a lot of cool stuff!  Here are some pictures from the fair....
The Eclectic Collection

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Tis the season to be....sustainable! Holiday craft fair

When: December 4th
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Where: James Dunn Hall
Come celebrate the holidays by enjoying local apple cider and snacks, buying locally made crafts for gifts, enjoying some music, and learning about ethical and environmentally friendly gift ideas! Many students as well as vendors from the Boyce Farmer's market will have their goods for sale. All are welcome. (Bring the kids too!)

If you are a musician, crafty person, artisan, artist, or have any sort of cool local and/or sustainable gift ideas come set up a table! We also need help organizing and getting people to come out. Please contact

Any proceeds made by Students for Sustainability will be going to the Multicultural Association of Fredericton and the UNB Woodlot defense fund. Vendors may also contribute to these charities if they wish.

Upcoming events in Fredericton

Hello everyone,

Our craft fair is coming up this Saturday the 4th from 2 to 5pm in James Dunn Hall. We have about 20 vendors of students and community members, plus some information tables from the Fredericton Local foodies, and we tentatively have some musical entertainment happening. Over 100 people have responded to the facebook event! Please continue to promote the event by word of mouth and inviting people to the facebook event
1. Force of Nature showing - Tonight

2. UN World Sustainability Day - Dec 3

3. CCNB last week of membership drive month

4. Buy & Barter local food swap - Dec 4

5. Deadline to indicate interest in UPEI environmental conference - Dec 17