Tuesday, July 10, 2007

watering schedule this week

Alright - a new way of communicating !

below you can post when you will be able to water the garden this week


  1. Mike - Wednesday

    Laura - Thursday (will take out some carrots at the same time)

  2. Ooh, als0.. what do you guys think of doing rainy day meetings in James Dunn Hall? That way when it rains we'll all know where to be?

    And we have onions...any idea what we should do with them?

    Josh's pictures are awesome, no?

  3. Hi guys,

    I [Tricia] can water on Friday. Meetings in James Dunn with the rain strike me as a good idea. Perhaps we should just eat the onions until we figure out what the scoop is? Wasting them would be a shame.


  4. this blog is seriously hip! how thrilling. josh-you rock.

    JD as a rain place=very good. we need one for sure.

    I have the plant ID posts ready.
    we also have a potential new member. anyone know courtney mills?

    the onions AND carrots are ready? wow awesome. lets eat them at a bbq/potluck or something. yum.


  5. i've taken it upon myself to colour our blog. what do we think? fell free to change it. i thought a little 'perk' wouldn't hurt. we should also fill out our 'interests' and 'about me'. so if people visit, they'll have more info about us. we can discuss what to put at our next meeting.
    until then,

  6. Ooh good ideas, sg

    as for the carrots, they aren't ready but need to be thinned out a bit so that they'll have room to grow. That's what my carrot plan is for Thursday. If any one else is up for carrot thinning feel free to join me..I'll be there at about 5:30

