Lots of exciting things we want to work on this semester. If you see something you like, come help us out! If you think we're missing something, well why not put it into action!?
Minutes of most recent meeting:
Pubcrawl maybe on the 1st or 7th or 8th of April
Selling mugs somewhere other than JDH this semester.
We found out that the fancy new recycling bins weren't bought by STU but by the Congress 2011 to make it a green conference. Hopefully stu keeps them....
Food purchasing coop:
E-mail stubulkfood@gmail.com to get order forms and we'll get people to order local bulk foods to make it cheap! Tabling Wednesday and Thursday JDH 10-1ish.
Boost your eco:
This year's theme can be fire since last year was earth and before we had water.
Movie suggestions: Home, The Age of Stupid, Kayanisqaats, Gasland, Shell in Nigeria movie (title?)
Key words - BURN (out), fire, fuel
Have it on a wednesday or thursday? guerilla boost your eco?
will ask res life about Aramark hosting a 100mile dinner around this time and request that we have cheaper menu options breakfast/brunch/or dinner?
want to show films during class time/afternoon and ask that classes come
will ask roombookings about when BMH 101 is available, tentative dates March 23,24, 30-31
trash bash could be during boost your eco?
have it coincide with lights out coffee house with res life